Siak Pelalawan Landscape Program for Livelihoods and Sustainable Palm Oil

Daemeter is facilitating and implementing a five-year sustainable landscape program in Siak and Pelalawan districts, Riau province, Indonesia.

Siak and Pelalawan districts are long-established palm oil production areas with significant numbers of independent smallholder producers. The districts also are home to important social and environmental values, many of which have been adversely affected by agricultural expansion in the past. Notably, peatlands comprise 52% of Pelalawan and 62% of Siak, and include the carbon-dense Kampar Peninsula spanning both districts.

Seven palm oil purchasing and consumer goods companies (the Coalition) are collaborating to implement a landscape programme for sustainable palm oil in Siak and Pelalawan – Cargill, Danone, Golden Agri-Resources, Musim Mas, Neste, PepsiCo and Unilever. The goal of the program is to transition large parts of both districts towards sustainable production practices, producing deforestation and exploitation free palm oil and maintaining or enhancing key conservation areas. The initiative builds upon existing efforts to advance a shared vision of sustainable, inclusive production, including the Siak Hijau Roadmap and the Pelalawan District Action Plan for sustainable palm oil.

In partnership with Proforest (CORE), Daemeter supports the Coalition in the design and implementation of the Siak Pelalawan Landscape program which includes program design, engagement with all relevant stakeholders, management of the program and monitoring of outcomes.

For further information on the launch of the initiative in Siak District, July 2019.