Challenges and opportunities in Indonesia’s legal framework for achieving zero deforestation in the palm oil sector

Daemeter is assisting a review of recent key legal, regulatory, and governance changes related to Indonesia's palm oil sector to identify challenges and opportunities for achieving zero deforestation.

Legal and regulatory changes have taken place at a remarkable pace in Indonesia’s agriculture and forestry sectors in the past 18 months. At the same time, mounting pressure on supply chain actors to reform sourcing policies has triggered unprecedented commitments to decouple palm oil from deforestation, peat drainage, and exploitation.

Rainforest Foundation Norway (RFN) and Daemeter are completing a systematic review of key legal, regulatory, and governance changes over this period to understand implications for advancing sustainability in the palm oil sector.

The study aims to create a better understanding of how the evolving regulatory framework creates opportunities for eliminating deforestation and shape pursuit of a holistic approach to reducing deforestation. The study is a follow up to a comprehensive review by Daemeter and partners in 2013 describing how decision making in Indonesian palm oil is affected by legal and regulatory framework governing behavior of key actors. To read and download this earlier study, see here.