Daemeter’s Biodiversity Consultant Wins Young Professional Award

  • By Daemeter
  • Editor Daemeter
Daemeter’s Biodiversity Consultant Wins Young Professional Award

The Young Caring Professional Award, which is in its fourth year, aims to inspire and empower Indonesian  women to develop their capacity and contribute to their environment, according to its organizers. Eight  other professionals, working among others as a policewoman in the narcotics division, entrepreneur and  in communications, also received the award.

“It was an eye-opening experience,” said Felly, as she is affectionately called by colleagues and friends.  “The people I met here, they’ve achieved so much, yet they remain humble,” said Felly, one of Indonesia’s  few female experts on bats, the world’s only flying mammal.

Felly credits her work in Daemeter in the past year for expanding her knowledge and network on  conservation practices and policies involving other wildlife. Felly has been involved in biodiversity surveys  related to forestry, agriculture and mining activities conducted by Daemeter. She is also an RSPO-approved  assessor for high conservation values.

“The time spent with other contestants and talking with the speakers made me revisit where I want to go  and what I want to do with my career,” said Felly. What PhD topic to take or how to educate the public on  the importance of bats, which Felly studied for her bachelor degree’s final project, were some ideas that  popped into mind, she added.

Felly and the other winners were selected from 800 participants, the most that have applied for the award  in a year. The winners will visit Google’s office in Singapore and serve as ambassadors in events held by  Caring Colours, a make-up brand of Martha Tilaar, for a year. For more information on the award and the  winners, please click here.