Accessibility Statement

We believe in making our site’s information and functionality equally available to all visitors. We have therefore made this site as usable and accessible as possible so you can easily find the information you are looking for. When using this site, you will find a number of features that make it as accessible as possible to users with impairments and to their adaptive technology.

Text Size

If you would prefer the font size to be larger or smaller, you can easily adjust it using your browser. To increase or decrease the text size, follow these basic instructions for Internet Explorer:

  • Click on the ‘View’ menu in your browser.
  • Click on the ‘Text size’ option.
  • Select the size you wish to see.

To increase or decrease the text size, follow these basic instructions for Mozilla Firefox:

  • Click on the ‘View’ menu in your browser.
  • Click on the ‘Increase Font’ option.

Your feedback is important

If you experience any problems using this site, or have some feedback or suggestions on how to improve accessibility, please contact us.

Other points

  • This site has been designed with style sheets to allow maximum flexibility.
  • Header tags and tables summaries have been effectively added to this site.
  • Form controls are properly grouped and labelled.

More information

For more information about website accessibility please visit the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.