We are continuously looking for highly- motivated and qualified individuals to join our team, whether as full-time staff, short-term consultants or interns. Send your CV to info@daemeter.org and connect with us on LinkedIn to make sure that you will not miss any opportunity to work in one of our wide range of projects and clients.

HR Officer

Job type: Full-time, permanent Professional experience required: 1 yr < 5 year relevant work experience

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Senior Manager, Responsible Sourcing

Job type: Full-time, permanent Professional experience required

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Sustainability Project Managers and Consultants

Job type: Full-time, permanent
Professional experience required: minimum 5 years

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Currently there are no Internship available.

Short-term consultancy

Member Surveyor – Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur

Daemeter mencari individu yang siap bertugas untuk melakukan pengumpulan database rantai pasokan petani mandiri yang mengirimkan Tandan Buah Segar

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